Reference Bb flugelhorn
From 4 288.00 3 859.00 €

Bb 159R Reference Flugelhorn Antoine Courtois.
The Antoine Courtois workshops were first to develop the direct air column system, which made Antoine Courtois flugelhorns extremely sought after.
- Key: Bb
- Handmade bell & 1st suite in rose brass
- Bell diameter: 152 mm (5.98")
- Bore: 10.50 mm (.413")
- 3 valves, direct air flow
- 3rd valve slide trigger
The Antoine Courtois workshops were first to develop the direct air column system, which made Antoine Courtois flugelhorns extremely sought after.
- Key: Bb
- Handmade bell & 1st suite in rose brass
- Bell diameter: 152 mm (5.98")
- Bore: 10.50 mm (.413")
- 3 valves, direct air flow
- 3rd valve slide trigger
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Reference Bb flugelhorn COURTOIS
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